Inspirational Athlete: Tony Schmiesing – First Bi-Ski Wall Ride
On March 23, 2012 the High Fives Foundation took Winter Empowerment Athlete to Alpine Meadows to make history…
A C 4-5 quadriplegic as the result of the spinal cord injury suffered at a beach where he grew up, and currently battling Syringmyelia, Tony’s tenacious surf/skate/ski DNA has pushed him through all sorts of obstacles and has lead him into an endlessly surprising and beautiful life.
Thanks to Brian Sheckler and Disabled Sports USA Far West, Tony Schmiesing became the first bi-skier to ride on a wall ride park feature. The positivity that Tony exudes on a daily basis is testament to the fact that anything in life is possible.
Look for Tony on the snow, in the skate parks or in the surf and hive him a High Five!