Kyle A. Richardson

Kyle A. Richardson

United States of America
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Langley, WA

Kyle was an avid skier, surfer and golfer before he suffered sudden hearing loss and the debilitative consequences from the exposure and impact of bacteria from the water while surfing, The bacteria and reaction to medication caused loss of core strength and ability to stand or walk . Kyle was treated multiple times in the ER, seen by neurologists, naturopath, urologists, opthalmologists and ENT physicians and received home health care for years while bed-ridden both in California and the state of Washington. In December 2014, a spinal cord stimulator was surgically implanted by a neurosurgeon at Swedish Hospital in Seattle Outpatient rehab to help with pain levels.

Kyle plans on pursuing wave ski freestyle performance and aerial style competition.

“Happiness is earned, not assured.”

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High Fives has provided:

$1,500 Adaptive Surf Competition Fees

Kyle A. Richardson

“This Empowerment Grant will help pay for needed equipment, enter the US Open Surf Championship/Hawaii Surf Championship and the ability to help coach others with mobility challenges who decide to participate in this sport. I see my efforts in outreach as essential to “pay it forward” so others may do the same and generate more hope when it is needed most.“

– #HighFivesAthlete, Kyle A. Richardson

High Fives Athletes

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