Adaptive Fishing
Our athletes love to fish!
What's better for the soul than throwing a line upstream, watching it pass, doing it again, and again, and perhaps getting a bite? As anglers, we know that fly fishing isn't only about reeling in the big one (although that always gets our hearts jumping!). Fly fishing is about being one with the river and its magnificent presence while witnessing a valuable ecosystem.

Fly Fishing
Adaptive fly fishing means giving the angler access to the river if there is adverse terrain and helping with casting and fly tying if necessary. Some adaptive fly fishers only have use of one hand which requires a specialized spinning and casting fly rod.

Fly Fishing Camps
Fly fishing is known as a beneficial therapy to help with a variety of mental and physical disabilities. At High Fives, we organize adaptive fishing camps to give our athletes the opportunity to benefit from the healing powers of the water.
Angling Toward Positivity
Camp organizers, therapists, and instructors help participants learn about fishing equipment and fishing products and provide fishing tips like when to use a wet fly, dry fly, or nymph, whether to use a streamer, and how to thread tippet. For many, these camps mark the first time participants have been out on the water since their life-altering accidents.