Brent Rightler

Brent Rightler

United States of America
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Summerville, SC

In March of 2019, Brent was involved in a serious car accident in which he sustained a T7 spinal cord injury. This accident also caused the dislocation of both hips, collapsed lungs, a broken sternum, and several broken ribs.

“Change the way you look at things and the things around you change.”

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High Fives has provided:

All Terrain Wheelchair $600

Brent Rightler

“This grant will help me by allowing me easier access to activities I enjoyed before my injury such as surf fishing at the beach, hiking nature trails with my friends, accessing my vegetable garden in my back yard, and even fishing in the stream behind my house.“

– #HighFivesAthlete, Brent Rightler

High Fives Athletes

Dennis Connors

Athlete #830

Meet Dennis

Spencer Brown

Athlete #863

Meet Spencer

Clair Thorley

Athlete #826

Meet Clair

Brad Coleman

Athlete #822

Meet Brad

Shannon Kerrick

Athlete #861

Meet Shannon

Jayden Glentworth

Athlete #839

Meet Jayden

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