Thank You GoPro for the Video of the Day – High Five the Wave
Sunday, September 30 saw GoPro feature the High Five the Wave Video as its video of the day! In just one day nearly 4,500 people watched this inspirational video. Thank you GoPro!
Description: August 5-9, 2012 the High Fives Foundation took a group Winter Empowerment Fund Athletes to learn the sport of adaptive surfing at San Onofre State Parks Dog Patch beach. A consistent 3-6 swell delivered gorgeous sets of waves for the talented team to discover new muscle memory skills on sit down waveskis. The inaugural trip helped expand the reach of the Foundation by providing a new outlet for those that suffer a life altering injury. The skills learned are transferable to winter action sports and will help in the recovery process of all involved in the great sport of adaptive surfing.
Shot 100% on the GoPro Hero2