Ajay Shenoy

Ajay Shenoy

United States of America
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San Jose, CA

Ajay sustained a C5 burst fracture diving into a shallow creek in Boulder, Colorado.

We asked Ajay what High Fives means to him – “High Fives means an uncompromising push to live life to the fullest regardless of circumstance.” He believes that whole-heartedly and refuses to let injury limit what he is capable of accomplishing. Currently, he is working on improving his gait pattern, posture, and trunk stability. 

“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

$2,500.00 towards Personal Training at SCI-Fit and Acupuncture

$3,500 for a Manual Wheelchair

Cycle 1 2022 – $5,000 towards Adaptive Equipment

Ajay Shenoy

High Fives Athletes

Dennis Connors

Athlete #830

Meet Dennis

Spencer Brown

Athlete #863

Meet Spencer

Clair Thorley

Athlete #826

Meet Clair

Brad Coleman

Athlete #822

Meet Brad

Shannon Kerrick

Athlete #861

Meet Shannon

Jayden Glentworth

Athlete #839

Meet Jayden

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