Ashley Courtney

Ashley Courtney

United States of America
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Fernley, NV

Ashley was in a motorcycle accident, on her wedding day. On the way home from a fantastic jump into Lake Tahoe, She crashed on Mt. Rose.Her leg was taken by the guard rail, and she was airlifted to the hospital.

“I give myself fully to life and let what happened to me reveal who I am.”

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High Fives has provided:

Grant Toward Adaptive Equipment 

Ashley Courtney

High Fives Athletes

Gregory Antoine

Athlete #835

Meet Gregory

Ashley Bristol

Athlete #818

Meet Ashley

Josh Pack

Athlete #842

Meet Josh

Chris Collin

Athlete #825

Meet Chris

Aidan Brand

Athlete #816

Meet Aidan

Kristee Shepherd

Athlete #849

Meet Kristee

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