Brandon Pitzer

Brandon Pitzer

United States of America
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Portland, OR

Brandon Pitzer had previously spent a lot of his time in the Mt. Hood area chasing a professional ski dream. In May 2013, that dream came to a halt when Brandon under-rotated a double backflip while skiing at Timberline Lodge, OR, resulting in compression fractures of his T11 and T12 vertebrae. Initially, Brandon had feeling and motor function and it wasn’t until after surgery to repair his spine that Brandon became paralyzed. Brandon was awarded a board-approved grant in December 2013 and has seen some real gains from the treatment that High Fives has provided funding for. His physical therapist loves working with him and says he has an infectious personality and is always willing to go the extra mile.


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High Fives has provided:

Physical Therapy with Gateway Sports Medicine, Acupuncture and Massage sessions with East Meets West Acupuncture as well as Personal Training sessions with Whole Body Fitness, 2013 – Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Personal Training, Project Walk Boston Physical Therapy. 2014 –  Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Personal Training. 2015 – Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Personal Training. 2016 – Massage and Chiro Therapy at Gateway Sports Medicine

Brandon Pitzer

High Fives Athletes

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