Callaway Lewis

Callaway Lewis

United States of America
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Rock Climbing

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Albuquerque, NM

Callaway, an avid climber, was bouldering in the Sandia Foothills when some boulders shifted and she became pinned between two. In total, Callaway escaped with 22 injuries, eventually resulting in the amputation of her lower foot and leg. 


“I can do this”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

$4,500 towards adaptive equipment

Callaway Lewis

High Fives Athletes

Rosie Coleman

Athlete #857

Meet Rosie

John Ekdom

Athlete #777

Meet John


Meet Stephanie

Kurtis Usher

Athlete #851

Meet Kurtis

Zach Sherman

Athlete #866

Meet Zach

Lorinda Bye

Athlete #853

Meet Lorinda

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