Chris Hoeh

Chris’ accident occurred at the bottom of the Big Dipper at Killington Mountain in Vermont. It was a powder day, but there was some re-frozen snow underneath the powder. As he cut out from the trees Chris turned right and looked up the hill to make sure no one was approaching. The next thing he knew he was floating through the air, snow swirling around the blue sky and then he settled into the powder. Immediately, he couldn’t feel anything below his armpits. He never lost consciousness, and asked his son to call the ski patrol, not touch him, and make sure they took him to the hospital.
At Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH, Chris was told he had suffered a cervical spinal cord injury.
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
High Fives has provided:
FES (electrical stimulation) rowing sessions at Partners Healthcare.