CJ Revtai

CJ Revtai

United States of America
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Pittsburgh, PA

In July of 2017, while kayak surfing in North Carolina, CJ dove off of a pier and broke his neck. Thankfully, his brother was close by, and was able to rescue him from the water. CJ “exploded” his C5 vertebrae in the accident.

CJ wants to live a life of consistent outdoor adventure through adaptive sport. As a previous ski instructor and whitewater rafting guide, CJ find true joy when outside. Recently, CJ has been introduced to bi-skiing and hopes to progress his skill.

“Anything worth doing, is worth over doing.”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

$1,125 Adaptive Ski Lessons

CJ Revtai

“The empowerment grant to me is a means of continuing to do what I love, living a life of excitement through outdoor sports.“

– #HighFivesAthlete, CJ Revtai

High Fives Athletes

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