Daniel Chagnon

Daniel Chagnon

United States of America
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Nutley, NJ

During a ski-trip with friends, while riding at Mammoth Mountain, Daniel caught an edge and was tossed in the air. He flew off of the trail, into the woods, and hit a tree, resulting in a T7 spinal cord injury, a broken hip, femur, and shoulder.

“Just keep getting better.”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

Adaptive Equipment, FT Mobility Wheelchair Parts $2,500

Daniel Chagnon

“High Fives totally motivates me to continue working as I follow the web site and see other athletes continue to pursue their dreams, also meeting Roy in the hospital the day of my injury and hearing his story gives me hope everyday.“

– #HighFivesAthlete, Daniel Chagnon

High Fives Athletes

Al Sanderson

Athlete #782

Meet Al

Peter Chisholm

Athlete #801

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Tylea Brown

Meet Tylea

Tanner Ifrid

Meet Tanner

James Ewing

Meet James

Ethan Kim

Meet Ethan

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