Drew McPherson

I was an active outdoor and river guide. I broke my neck diving in to the American River in Sacramento off of a low root cluster, hitting my head on a shallow sandbar.
My goal is to get into mountain biking where I can truly get off the beaten path and have that excitement of crawling around on rocks and going fast as I did mountain biking before injury.
“The only limitations we face are those we ourselves create or allows to exist.”
High Fives has provided:
$4,500 *partial funding* JEETrike Adaptive Bike

“I am super stoked to be receiving an empowerment grant towards a off-road hand cycle to get back out in the woods and running around in the mountains. That need for speed and love for being outdoors never leaves and provides so much more positive mental strength than the exercise and days spent doing it.“
– #HighFivesAthlete, Drew McPherson