Gary Mokuau

Gary Mokuau

United States of America
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Reno, NV

United States veteran Gary Mokuau was chosen from the Reno, NV area to train for 9-weeks (length of a traditional bootcamp) with the City of Reno Parks and Recreation District to prepare for a week of skiing/snowboarding at Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows in the 2018 Military to the Mountain Program. The Military to the Mountain Program started with US Marine Core Veteran Corporal Jacob Schick in March 2015 returning to the slopes, and through media and generous donations from Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows and many more, the program will see 22 US veterans sliding down snow in March 2018.

“Never underestimate the power of a high five!”

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High Fives has provided:

A physically demanding 9-week training program at the City of Reno Parks and Recreation District, ski gear from Sync, a week of skiing with the professionals at Achieve Tahoe, and Rentals, Food and Accommodations from Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows.

Gary Mokuau

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