Jack Trottier

Jack Trottier

United States of America
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Tyngsborough, MA

In January 2013 Jack Trottier and friends built a jump and they were hitting it on their snowboards. On one particular flip Jack found himself off axis causing him to land on his neck and shoulder causing fractures at the C6 level. Jack was immediately rushed to the hospital where he was declared paralyzed from the chest down. Since his life-altering injury Jack has worked tremendously hard on his recovery. He has been working for awhile now with the good people at Journey Forward in Canton, MA, and with their guidance Jack is making drastic improvements.


high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

6 Months of Personal Training at  Journey Forward, Adaptive Ski Lessons and Accommodations at Vermont Adaptive in the Mad River Valley in Vermont. 2014 – 50 Weeks at Journey Forward. 2015 – 50 Weeks at Journey Forward.

Jack Trottier

High Fives Athletes

Alexander McEwan

Athlete #868

Meet Alexander

Kenji Nonaka

Athlete #894

Meet Kenji

Daniel Marshall

Athlete #879

Meet Daniel

Joseph Turnbull

Athlete #890

Meet Joseph

Thomas Rupp

Athlete #912

Meet Thomas

Trent Wilson

Athlete #915

Meet Trent

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