Jon Aardal

In December 2019, while snowboarding at Monarch Mountain near Salida, CO, Jon caught an edge, sending him somersaulting in the air and eventually landed on his back suffering an incomplete C7 injury.
After his time at Craig, him and his wife went to Shirley Ryan in Chicago to participate in a neuromodulation clinical study involving paired corticospinal-motoneuronal stimulation (PCMS) with an intensive exercise routine. After a year in Chicago he was able to build up his strength enough to walk with a walker so him and his wife decided to head back to Colorado to continue with therapy.
They now live in Montrose, Colorado with their 9 yr. old chocolate lab, and have been very fortunate to find a great Physical Therapist, Physiatrist, Urologist, and PCP all within a small town in one of the most beautiful places in Colorado.
“You got this.”
High Fives has provided:
Grant for healing networks.
With this grant, Jon hopes to work with his physical therapist to increase his walking endurance and build up strength to walk outside.

“This grant will allow me to continue my gait therapy at the PEAK center and gain the benefit of using specialty machines such as the Locomat and RT600 (Elliptical), which will help me with my goal to walk again.“
– #HighFivesAthlete, Jon Aardal