Josh Scanlon

Josh Scanlon

United States of America
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Watertown, MN

Aug. 16 2004 Josh and his brother had a small trampoline set up seeing who you could do the highest flip over a tower they made. Josh tried to do a front flip, landed on his lower back, and was left paralyzed from the waist down. He is currently a T10 complete paraplegic.

Since his accident, Josh has been involved in basketball, skiing and track and field. He was a starter and helped his basketball team win 3 back to back national championships. Josh also got the privilege to represent team USA at worlds for track and field in Switzerland.

“Go big or go home.”

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High Fives has provided:

Marker bindings and winter program fees at NCSD. 2017 – $755.00 Lessons at BOEC.

Josh Scanlon

High Fives Athletes

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