Kelsey Mulcahy

Kelsey Mulcahy

United States of America

Athlete #848

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Missoula, MT

On June 25, 2022, Kelsey was involved in a vehicle accident while traveling on a Montana highway resulting in. incomplete paralysis of the T11-L1 vertebrae.

“You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved”

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High Fives has provided:

Grant funding for off-road handcycle.

Kelsey Mulcahy

High Fives Athletes

Rosie Coleman

Athlete #857

Meet Rosie

John Ekdom

Athlete #777

Meet John


Meet Stephanie

Kurtis Usher

Athlete #851

Meet Kurtis

Zach Sherman

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Meet Zach

Lorinda Bye

Athlete #853

Meet Lorinda

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