Kenny Young

Before Kenny’s injury he had aspirations of becoming a professional snowmobile racer. In the winter season of 05/06 Kenny had a race up in Valcourt, Quebec, which is the largest race in the East Coast circuit. Conditions were less than perfect, as it had rained the night before and the temperature dropped quickly overnight, causing the track to ice over. During the race Kenny got caught in a groove around the first corner, high siding his sled, sending into into the ice covered hay bales. The impact left Kenny with a complete T11/12 spinal cord injury.
“If you are going to do something, give it all you have and do it right.”
High Fives has provided:
Donated Mountain Bike from #highfivesathlete Tim Burr with Updates and Modifications (2019). Custom Ski Racing Blick, Later Thigh Wrap, Lumbar Extension Support and Ballistic Back Stiffener, Flight and hotel to Denver for Seat Fitting (2016).