Kody Williams

Kody Williams

United States of America
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London, Ont

December 19, 2016, while filming street snowboarding at Stanley Park, located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Kody had a fall that resulted in call to 911 and admission to the emergency at the local hospital. It was determined that the fall resulted in bruising on the right side of his brain. A ‘bolt’ was inserted into his brain that measures pressure for intracranial activity and oxygen levels.

“Good, better, best…”

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High Fives has provided:

Insurance, Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Sessions

Kody Williams

High Fives Athletes

Rosie Coleman

Athlete #857

Meet Rosie

John Ekdom

Athlete #777

Meet John


Meet Stephanie

Kurtis Usher

Athlete #851

Meet Kurtis

Zach Sherman

Athlete #866

Meet Zach

Lorinda Bye

Athlete #853

Meet Lorinda

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