Lizzy Ragan

Lizzy Ragan

United States of America
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Beavercreek, OR

While rock climbing with a friend in New Hampshire, when only 15 feet above the ground, her foot slipped and she began to fall. A pendulum swing occurred, flipping her upside down and coming down on her head on an additional 15 feet to the rocks below.

Elizabeth keeps her focus on rehabilitation and recovery, specifically gaining strength and finding her independence again.

“Live with purpose.”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

$2,500 Physical Therapy

Cycle 1 2022 – $1,750 towards Adaptive Equipment

Lizzy Ragan

“The empowerment grant is springboard into life post-injury, one that can be filled with just as many adventures and just as much purpose as my life before.“

– #HighFivesAthlete, Lizzy Ragan

High Fives Athletes

Rosie Coleman

Athlete #857

Meet Rosie

John Ekdom

Athlete #777

Meet John


Meet Stephanie

Kurtis Usher

Athlete #851

Meet Kurtis

Zach Sherman

Athlete #866

Meet Zach

Lorinda Bye

Athlete #853

Meet Lorinda

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