Matt Leonard

Matt Leonard

United States of America
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San Francisco, CA

During a warm up run on Alpine Meadows under the Summit Chair, Matt caught an edge on some soft snow sending him directly into a patch of ice. Matt hit an ice mogul causing one of his skis to come off, which sent him into the tower 9 pole of the Summit Chair. Matt was immediately driven in an ambulance to Renown Medical Center (“not flown, due to the weather. So bumpy. Most painful hour of my life!”) where he found that he had compressed his spine 90%, shattered his T5/T6 vertebra leaving him paralyzed from the chest down.


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High Fives has provided:

Massage from Craig Hospital, Acupuncture from Full Moon Water Acupuncture, Adaptive Bathroom Equipment from NuProdx and Acupuncture from San Francisco Acupuncture Group. 2015 –  Massage & Acupuncture at Craig Hospital, Healing Network, SCI-Fit Sessions, Acupuncture Sessions. 2016 – Skiing at Disabled Sports USA.  2018 – Skiing at Disabled Sports USA.

Matt Leonard

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