Tanner Cislaw

Tanner Cislaw

United States of America
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Rock Climbing

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Salt Lake City, UT

Tanner had a hiking accident while scrambling on some boulders and traversing towards a cliff ledge. As he extended his hands onto the ledge, with his legs following, Tanner lost his footing and plummeted approximately 25-30 feet onto a rock slab below. The impact primarily affected his back, but luckily he did not experience any head trauma.

“Live In Love”

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High Fives has provided:

Grant for Adaptive Equipment

Tanner Cislaw

High Fives Athletes

Gregory Antoine

Athlete #835

Meet Gregory

Ashley Bristol

Athlete #818

Meet Ashley

Josh Pack

Athlete #842

Meet Josh

Chris Collin

Athlete #825

Meet Chris

Aidan Brand

Athlete #816

Meet Aidan

Kristee Shepherd

Athlete #849

Meet Kristee

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