East | 2023 Empowerment Grant Cycle 3 Recap

High Fives Foundation is so proud to introduce the recipients of the Cycle 3 2023 Empowerment Grants. These remarkable athletes will receive unwavering support as they navigate their journeys through recovery from injuries, overcome obstacles, and pursue their dreams in adventure sports.

The improvement of physical and mental wellbeing is an ongoing pursuit—a practice that requires continuous effort. High Fives athletes understand the significance of this endeavor and encourage themselves and others throughout this process. And, upon completion of a personal goal, they find new wisdom, purpose, and tools to keep progressing. Let’s give a warm welcome to these incredible individuals who inspire us all!

:handshake: This cycle’s impact

:sports_medal: 33 existing athletes are continuing their healing journey
:new: 50 new athletes join us, embracing the High Fives spirit for the first time

In our largest grant cycle yet, the collective impact of these funds is astonishing with a grand total of $274,310 invested in adaptive equipment for 83 athletes across the country. These Empowerment grants enhance athletes’ independence and expand their horizons.

Each Empowerment athlete embodies the values and exemplifies the essence of High Fives Foundation. We’re eager to witness the accomplishments that these individuals will undoubtedly achieve. Through their endeavors, they inspire others with their determination and zest for life.

Meet our High Fives Athletes HERE