“As soon as I got it, I couldn’t stop smiling.”
Alex Uppenkamp received a Bowhead from High Fives Foundation a few weeks ago. The unveiling moments were special, and his excitement was evident in the images taken by his family members. Shortly after receiving his Bowhead, Alex spoke with us about his plans, progress, and the dreams he has with his trustee new bike.
Alex keeps his Bowhead in his bedroom temporarily while he and his dad work on a camper van project in the garage. He says that he isn’t complaining about the arrangement, though, because he loves to study his Bowhead with anticipation. Right now, Alex is sticking to the paved streets in the neighborhood as he continues his physical therapy exercises and builds the strength to ride. Bowhead bikes are fun and fast adaptive machines. Although they don’t require the use of one’s legs, a Bowhead is demanding of upper body strength that Alex is building more and more every day. He says that he’s inspired by the bike and pushes harder each day because of it.
Alex hopes to take his bike on a trail for the first time on the first week of August, at an event taking place in Steamboat, Colorado, with Craig Hospital.

“I know that as soon as I am able to make use of its full potential, I won’t want to get out of it because I’ll be having too much fun. Biking was a huge part of my life before my accident, so I can’t wait to get back on the trails, riding with friends and family again!”
Alex is studying Environmental Engineering, and lives in San Diego, California. He is pushing harder each and every day to gain the strength he needs to steer and maneuver his Bowhead. We believe in you, Alex! The High Fives office and our supporters (readers, too!) are excited to hear a report on his progress. Until then, Alex will be putting in determined work as a High Fives Athlete, to bring his dreams of ripping a Bowhead to life.
His suggestion to a new Bowhead owner? Don’t gas it in the turns, or you’ll end up speed-teetering on two wheels.