“It’s not about what I’ve done, it’s about what I’m going to do.”
The High Fives Foundation crew got to spend the morning at Squaw Valley USA with budding young professional, avid adventurist & #HighFivesAthlete Grant Korgan. This winter, with the help of the High Fives Foundation’s Winter Empowerment Fun, Grant received a monoski. Grant’s technique on a monoski is very impressive. He moves effortlessly but in reality is engaging every mussel to get that perfect S turn.
After a snowmobile accident, Grant was told he would never walk again. Now, with his wife by his side, he proves what love and determination can accomplish. Thanks for joining the High Fives Crew for a great ski day Grant!
The co-owner of the professional snowmobile team “Alpine Assassins”, Grant was hurt in March of 2010 while filming for the movie, “Alpine AssassiNATION”. Grant suffered a L-1 burst fracture that left him paralyzed from the waist down. The Winter Empowerment Fund has aided in Grant’s recovery which enabled him to become the first adaptive athlete to reach the south pole. Learn more about Grant at korgmovement.com