Kevin Cheung

Kevin Cheung

United States of America
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San Francisco, CA

Kevin was skiing at Squaw Valley and over-rotated a backflip, while overshooting a jump at gold coast terrain park. Kevin landed face first on the flats and sustained burst fractures at c1, c5, t4, t5, t6 and tore his transverse ligament next to c1. Kevin is currently at Craig Hospital in Denver, CO.

Kevin would like to walk again, run, and possibly return back to skiing at some point. First, Kevin would like to regain function of his hands, as his right side is currently extremely limited in use.


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High Fives has provided:

Personal Training at the PEAK Center, Dry-needling and Massage at Craig Hospital, Medical Bills at Renown Regional Medical Center and Training at SCI-Fit Pleasanton. 2015 – Medical Bills, Training at SCI-Fit. 2016 – Healing Network, Living Costs, 6 Month Gym Membership, Hand Therapy with Neofect, 2017 – Gym Membership, Physical Therapy, and Medical Expenses.

Kevin Cheung

High Fives Athletes

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