There are 5 Great Reasons to Attend the High Fives on Tap (VT Event)!
1. Volkl Skis and Marker Bindings will be bringing a great set-up for the silent auction: 1 Pair of Volkl Kendo Skis and 1 Pair of Marker Griffon Bindings
2. All those that attend the event will receive a FREE pint glass from the Alchemist Brewery
3. Enjoy FREE Cabot Creamery Cooperative Cheese Samples
4.Enjoy FREE samples of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream.
5. High Five the Guinness World Record holder for most High Fives by one person in a 24 hour period: Roy Tuscany
Get your tickets online today and to be entered to win a GoPro HERO 2 door prize! ( Guess that makes six great reasons to attend, but who’s counting anyway?
~High Five!