Casey Proud

Casey Proud

United States of America
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Oceanside, CA

Casey was injured on February 4th, 2017, while snowboarding on Mount Shasta. It had rained the night before, and the snow was stickier than normal. Despite this, he decided to go on his usual jump runs. In his second jump, he decided to do a simple 180…however just before he took off, he hit a small, sticky patch of snow at the top of the jump. Instead of rotating horizontally, he fell forward, somersaulting, and landed on his back right on the hip of the landing zone of the jump. Immediately, through the other pain in his back, he realized he couldn’t feel his legs.

“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

Grant towards Medical Equipment

Casey Proud

Athlete Blogs

High Fives Athletes

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