Laura Grabowski

Laura Grabowski

United States of America
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San Diego, CA

Laura was a competitive expert mountain biker. She was injured on a small gap jump on a local trial that She rode on a weekly basis; casual ride. Recent rains had changed the width and vegetation growth hid it. She just missed 

“Luck Favors the well prepared”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

$3,500 towards Living Expenses

Laura Grabowski

Athlete Blogs

High Fives Athletes

Al Sanderson

Athlete #782

Meet Al

Peter Chisholm

Athlete #801

Meet Peter

Tylea Brown

Athlete #810

Meet Tylea

Tanner Ifrid

Athlete #808

Meet Tanner

James Ewing

Athlete #796

Meet James

Ethan Kim

Athlete #794

Meet Ethan

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