Lena Schoemaker

Lena Schoemaker

United States of America
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Salt Lake City, UT

In 2006, Lena sustained a T8 spinal cord injury as the result of a car crash. Her vehicle collided with a semi truck and along with her spinal cord injury, she sustained many other injuries including collapsed lungs, a ruptured spleen, six broken ribs, and more. 

“Challenge Accepted.”

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High Fives has provided:

$5,000 towards Adaptive Equipment

Lena Schoemaker

High Fives Athletes

Al Sanderson

Athlete #782

Meet Al

Peter Chisholm

Athlete #801

Meet Peter

Tylea Brown

Athlete #810

Meet Tylea

Tanner Ifrid

Athlete #808

Meet Tanner

James Ewing

Athlete #796

Meet James

Ethan Kim

Athlete #794

Meet Ethan

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