Celebrate Summer at the Last Truckee Thursdays Event
The High Fives Foundation will be featuring the bigtruck S.o.S. (sew on site) crew, so come by and get a custom lid and help an athlete!
This week is also the last chance this week to get a raffle ticket for one of 6 wonderful prizes: Golf Bag, Inflatable Raft, Season Pass to Homewood Mountain, Dinner for 2 with Wine Pairing at Manzanita Ritz Carlton, Two-night Beachside Getaway in Mendocino, and of course, the Fat Tire Cruiser!
Raffle tickets are $5 each, or $20 for five tickets. You can get raffle tickets this week at the California Welcome Center in downtown Truckee, or stop by the Truckee Thursdays information booth this Thursday before 8:00pm – that’s when the drawing will be held on the main stage!
Proceeds benefit the Foundation and future Truckee Thursdays events!