When an individual is approved for their first High Fives grant, we ask them to set a goal with a date that they plan to achieve the goal by. We have noticed that these individuals set a lofty first goal and work incredibly hard. More often than not, they reach out before their original completion date to let us know that they completed their goal. Once a goal is completed, we send the Athlete an Arcade belt with a star on it. The first goal, they receive a belt with one star on it, on the second goal, two stars, and so on.
It has been repeated again and again, but 2020 was a tough year. Rehabilitation hospitals and gyms were shut down or cut back on capacity, sport lessons were harder to book, support networks had to be cut down to a small circle. In short, Athlete goals were harder to complete. Still, as we expected, the Athletes showed extreme resilience and tenacity while finding new ways to continue to progress their recovery while strengthening their bodies and minds.
These High Five and Craig Hospital Athletes are a few of the many who were able to crush their goals in the last year.
The Arcade Belt Goal program inspires Athletes to push themselves to the limits. It creates a healthy lifestyle while breaking barriers within oneself.
As much as we would love to focus on all those who have completed goals this year these are the Craig Hospital, High Five Athletes who we would like to give a little special recognition to.
Jason Abraham
Injury date: 4/9/2015
Cause of Injury: Skiing
Injury Level: Spinal Cord Injury C6
Time at Craig Hospital: April 27th 2015 – July 16th 2015
Goal: Bike 100 miles & 10,000 feet in a week.

Bryan Noonan
Injury date: 2/28/2019
Cause of Injury: Snowboarding
Injury Level: Spinal Cord Injury L1
Time at Craig Hospital: 3/14-5/16 2019
Goal: Complete 15 strong, complete pull ups
“Today I will get stronger.”
Ajay Shenoy
Injury date: 7/4/2018
Cause of Injury: Diving into a shallow creek
Injury Level: Spinal Cord Injury: Spinal Cord Injury C5
Time at Craig Hospital: July 11, 2018- February 2019
Goal: Get up from my wheelchair (unassisted) w/ forearm crutches (supported)
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”

Kirk Williams
Injury date: 11/8/2009
Cause of Injury: Mountain biking
Injury Level: Spinal Cord Injury C6
Time at Craig Hospital:
Goal: Ride with other handcyclists
After all, working out its good for the mind and body while friendships are good for the soul.
Congratulations to all Athletes who are setting goals and continuing to improve themselves. We hope you always continue to do so, High fives will be there for you as you work hard to complete goals and see the full potential in yourselves.
The Arcade Belt Program
The Arcade Belt Program was put in place to provide our athletes with a system for setting goals. Similar to a karate belt system, athletes move through the ranks when they complete goals they set for themselves and receive a belt with stars corresponding to the goal number they accomplish.