JT Holmes on staying safe while going to extremes on Skinet.com referencing High Fives’ BASCIS program service.

“I’m happy to be spreading a safety message that is not a hindrance to progression.”
What inspired you to develop the B.A.S.I.C.S. program?
Well it was the fall of 2010 and at that point, I had been in action sports for 13 years, and I had seen a lot of life changing accidents as well as fatalities. Loss of life and a lot of the accidents are ones that are due to risks that can’t be avoided, but some of the accidents were totally avoidable. It’s these ones where people were really doomed before they even dropped in or stepped off the mountain that I wanted to address. Action sports don’t have governing bodies that regulate progression and outline a safe learning curve. There are a lot of enthusiasts for these sports of all ages, but they don’t see the safety precautions that are taken behind the scenes. Nobody is seeing what goes into it. So what I wanted to do was encourage people to use their heads even just a little bit because it can go a long way. By no means are we saying don’t do things, just think when you do do things.