High Fives to Our Athlete Dads!

Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the dads who inspire, support, and love unconditionally. At the High Fives Foundation, we are honored to recognize the incredible athletes who not only excel in their sports but also embrace the remarkable journey of fatherhood. These men are not just champions on the slopes, trails, and courts but also in the hearts of their families.

For Athlete, Kenny Young, being a dad transcends every other achievement. “Being a dad is the best job I’ve ever had,” he proudly shares. Kenny’s dedication to his sport and his family exemplifies the balance of passion and responsibility. His commitment to his children is a testament to his character, showing that true success lies in the love and guidance he provides at home.

Athlete, Jake Kazar’s journey to fatherhood was filled with uncertainties and challenges. “I’m beyond thankful for my medical team, the High Fives community, and everyone else that helped me get to the point where I could be a dad,” Jake expresses with heartfelt gratitude. Despite the hurdles, Jake’s resilience and faith brought him to a place where he can relish in the joys of being a father. “For a while, we weren’t sure what the picture looked like. I’m lucky beyond measure for my wife and my son. Life is good, God is great!” His story is a beacon of hope, reminding us that with perseverance and support, dreams can indeed come true.

High Fives to All Our Dads

The High Fives Foundation is proud to stand by these extraordinary men, celebrating their victories both on and off the field. Their stories are not just about athletic triumphs but about the love, strength, and determination that define true heroism.

This Father’s Day, we salute all the High Fives dads who inspire us with their unwavering spirit and dedication. You are the heart of our community, and we are endlessly grateful for the joy and wisdom you bring into the lives of your children. Happy Father’s Day!