“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” – Helen Keller
Sally Francklyn is a ski patroller with 10 years experience, as well as a recognized expert on social media, public relations, and online editing for major ski industry clients. After taking an 850 foot fall on “Once is Enough” in the Jackson Hole backcountry. Sally found her life had changed radically. After suffering a closed head fracture with TBI, back, neck and ankle injuries, Sally emerged from a 2 week coma to enter the world of rehabilitation.
Sally has now re-entered the work force and is active once again in the world of social media and is also enjoying various public speaking engagements! For the past two weeks, Sally has spent time at the CR Johnson Healing Center to improve her balance with #JackTheTrainer, Shawn Grisier & Karen Stubbs.

The High Fives Foundation had the opportunity to speak with Sally about her time spent in the CR Johnson Healing Center.
What were you looking forward to the most before coming to the CR Johnson Healing Center?
Sally: “Working on my balance and being whipped into shape!”

Have you worked on a pilates or CoreAlign machine before?
Sally: “I have been to a pilates class before but the machine frightens me because my balance is off and I have to place my feet on a small surface. After working with #JacktheTrainer, I feel more confident on the machine. Jack is really smart, he targets smaller muscles to build strength in the larger mussels.”
What are your plans for when you go home?
Sally: “Take Jack’s exercises home and work on them. My mom has been filming us working out so we can replicate the workouts at home. Also, I have a job interview as an events coordinator!”

Thanks High Fives for providing the information and rehabilitation necessary for Sally and others to improve their lives. I think about how strengthening a muscle that provides better balance translates into things far beyond the balance. It brings independence, confidence and less stress over falling and complications that come with the falls .. High Fives Foundation, you’re life changers!