Movie Monday: The 2013 SKINNY Ski-A-Thon presented by Arcade Belts
On Monday, April 1, 2013 Squaw Valley (Olympic Valley, CA) hosted the SKINNY Ski-A-Thon from 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. There were 76 High Fives Foundation supporters present whom had collected donations on a per-lap and flat-rate basis to raise over $30,000 for the Tahoe based non-profit.
One avenue in which theHigh Fives Foundation procures funding for its three program services is through laid back and entertaining events such as theSKINNY Ski-A-Thon. High Fives takes pride in putting the word FUN in fundraising and the ultimate goal of these events is to continue the positive direction of healing, health and happiness inherent in the Foundations mission.
Watch and share the entertaining video (produced by Shreddy Times) of the 3rdSKINNY Ski-A-Thon annual event on Vimeo: