High Fives Supporter and Founder of Protect our Winters, Jeremy Jones, shares his opinion and wants us all to VOTE!
Drop in and VOTE!

“When I founded Protect Our Winters in 2007, I knew that for it to succeed, we needed to create a social movement in the winter sports community led by industry leaders, professional athletes and all of us. There is strength in numbers, and to fight climate change, we need everyone’s participation. Today, we have a chance to change history.” – Jeremy Jones

“I don’t care if you’re a Republican or a Democrat, there are some issues that should transcend politics, and climate change is one of them. Let’s take party politics out of this and vote for bold candidates who are willing to make climate change a priority– the ones who realize climate change is the greatest environmental issue of our time. We need candidates who will stand up to the fossil fuel industry despite politics, who see an opportunity to build a clean energy economy and create jobs, and who truly understand that if we don’t act, we’ll leave our children a planet far worse off than how we found it. I don’t want to sit idly by and wish I had done more.
Today, we have an incredible opportunity to VOTE for the leaders who believe in taking bold action against climate change. Join me.
Climate change has seen victories this year, including impactful policy like the Clean Power Plan and the Paris Agreement. In the last eight years, electricity from wind has tripled, electricity from solar has increased twenty-fold, and there are now more jobs in the solar industry than the fossil fuel industry. We need to keep up this momentum, not move backwards. The next generation cannot afford for us to sit this election out and allow all of the progress we’ve made to be erased by those who just don’t give a damn.
Here are some tools I’ve used to make sure I’m voting for the right candidates:
- BallotReady.org has created a nonpartisan guide with positions of candidates in most states from the top to the bottom of your ballot. Enter your zip code here to learn about every race and every referendum.
- Get the scoop on the candidate’s stances on climate change at FactCheck.org.
- The League of Conservation Voters scores the environmental track record of the candidates that have previously served in office in their environmental scorecard.
- Want to know where your closest polling place is? HeadCount.org has got you covered.
Without a doubt, winter is in trouble. But remember, together we can do this – this is our generation’s election.
I’ll see you out there, voting.”