Non-Profit Spotlight: Brain Injury Network of the Bay Area
The Brain Injury Network of the Bay Area (BINBA) was founded over 25 years ago by a group of family caregivers of acquired brain injury survivors. Together, they created a weekly support group for their brain-injured family members, providing rehabilitative and emotional support. By 1997, the funds and facilities had been secured for the creation of a day program for brain injured adults; the Larkspur Center was born. Highly qualified staff members were recruited to develop a unique rehabilitation program that integrated vocational and occupational therapy with expressive, movement, and creative classes.
Today, Brain Injury Network of the Bay Area (BINBA) is a community organization of acquired brain injury survivors, their friends and family, medical and social service professionals, and concerned individuals. Rehabilitative, supportive, creative and educational services are offered at BINBA for brain-injured adults, their caregivers and professionals in the field. BINBA provides a supportive community to all who participate and everyone who is eligible is served.
Learn more and support this amazing organization