Q1 Recap of 2024 “Five for Fives” Program

As we look back on the first quarter of 2024, the High Fives Foundation is thrilled to share the remarkable success of our “Five for Fives” program. This innovative initiative brings together a diverse group of partners, all united by their commitment to support the outdoor community through creative and impactful collaborations.

The “Five for Fives” program is a collaborative effort between the High Fives Foundation and a variety of brands that believe in our mission. By aligning with our non-profit, these companies open the door to numerous opportunities for joint ventures and community support. Whether it’s donating a portion of sales or offering special products, these partnerships make a significant difference.

Q1 Contributions from High Fives Foundation’s “Five for Fives” Program

In the first quarter of 2024, the “Five for Fives” program raised over $14,600, thanks to the generosity and creativity of our partners. Each contribution, no matter the size, plays a vital role in furthering our mission.

We thank all our partners for their generous contributions and continued support of the High Fives Foundation.

New to our roster this quarter is Airtime Streaming, which not only contributed $37.64 but also offered a discount to their customers, exemplifying the innovative ways our partners can engage with the program.

“The Five for Fives Program extends a warm invitation to businesses of all sizes, encouraging them to contribute to the High Fives Foundation through quarterly donations and innovative collaborative products. What a wonderful blessing our community is becoming!” – Maddie, Partnerships Manager & Five for Fives Program Lead

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our partners for their incredible support in Q1. As we move forward, we invite more businesses to join the “Five for Fives” program. Together, we can continue to be the safety net of the outdoor community, fostering a culture of support and camaraderie.

Stay tuned for more updates and stories of impact as we progress through 2024. Let’s make the next quarter even more impactful!