#HighFivesAthlete, Military to the Mountain Participant, Reno resident and US Veteran, DENNIS MANKEL receives a new recumbent bike!
“With a new recumbent bike and a heavy race schedule this summer, Dennis and I are focusing on shoulder and strength mobility. Along with incorporating the core, hips, and legs into an efficient powerful pedal. He has been feeling better in his rides already, which has allowed increased intensity and variation of movement. Keep the focus and push the body Dennis!” – Head Trainer at the CR Johnson Healing Center Jack Powell
United States Veteran Dennis Mankel was chosen from the Reno Area to train for 9-weeks with the City of Reno Rec Department to prepare herself for a week of skiing/snowboarding at Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows in the 2017 Military to the Mountains Program. The Military to the Mountains program started with US Marine Core Veteran Corporal Jacob Schick in March 2015 returning to the slopes, and through media and generous donations from Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows and many more, the program will see 22 US Veterans sliding down snow in April 2017.