Thank you #HighFivesAthlete MIKE SCHWARZ for your continued support in sharing the good word of High Fives through BASICS presentations!
Mike recently did a presentation of High Fives BASICS Documentary, #HelmetsAreCool to a class of 21 at Manchester By The Sea Elementary School. Mike’s STORY OF RECOVERY IS SHARED IN THE 2014 DOCUMENTARY #HELMETSARECOOL. Watch it below. Thank you Mike!

In March 2009, while attending his Senior year at University of Vermont, Michael suffered a traumatic brain injury while competing in a quarter pipe championship. Michael was in a coma for many weeks, and spent the next year in a rehab hospital recovering in the gym, the pool and the recumbent bike. Michael has gained back most of his living skills and is enjoying growing his custom sock business El SchwarEZ Designs. The Winter Empowerment Fund has purchased him Bioness L300 Foot Drop Systems and paid for Accupuncture sessions and to help him with his walking. Recently, the Winter Empowerment Fund purchase a Hippocampe All Terrain Wheelchair for Michael to have even more freedom.
(2) Bioness L300 Foot Drop Systems, Acupuncture sessions at Stream of Wellness, a Hippocampe All Terrain Wheelchair and Adaptive Riding Sessions at Dream On Curls Riding Center.