Tyler Turner

Tyler Turner


Athlete #313

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Calgary, AB

While working as a skydiving instructor, Tyler was performing a routine landing after filming a guest complete their first tandem skydive from 10,000 feet. A canopy malfunction and failed parachute sent Tyler into the ground with tremendous force. This accident resulted in a traumatic brain injury, 2 months amnesia, and shattering both of his feet, resulting in the eventual amputation of both legs.

“Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

high fives badge

High Fives has provided:

Adaptive Equipment, Squirrel Wingsuits Custom Wingsuit $2,500

Tyler Turner

“This grant will help me pursue a goal that I had even prior to my injury. It will help me accomplish something that has never been done before. I hope that this achievement will not only give me a great sense of accomplishment but provide a catalyst for other people going through similar situations to look beyond what they are told can’t be done and establish what is actually possible with strong will and determination.“

– #HighFivesAthlete, Tyler Turner

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