FIVE FOR FIVES | ASK A PARTNER – Skida Headwear & Accessories


Meet Corinne & Jill from High Fives Five for Fives Partner Skida Headwear & Accessories!

How did you get involved with the High Fives Foundation?

C&J: While we partner with countless events and organizations via custom projects, we choose to collaborate with a handful of organizations based on shared values, longtime connections and good causes. We caught wind of the awesomeness of High Fives through the Vermont ski community, so when the opportunity to create a custom pattern for high fives arose, we jumped right in!


How does your company support High Fives? 

C&J: This spring we created a custom collection for High Fives, featuring their signature tree rings, designed by their very own Gina Miele, AND made in Vermont. It is a pretty special collaboration – and 40% of proceeds go directly to the foundation. We’re stoked to spread the word on their imperative mission throughout the Skida community!

What is your favorite High Fives Memory?

C&J: The Ski-a-Thon was epic, but we’ll share more about that next ~ Honestly fishlanthropy has always been one of our favorite highlights of the fall. Each year the comradery, community support, and energy grows, and the you can feel the stoke for the oncoming winter season. Plus, sushi yoshi rules! 

Another fun memory is our power pow-wow at SIA. Sitting on the floor of our booth, meeting of the minds, eating leftover Thai food and taking care of business. It was an epic collab sesh for two crews residing on opposite coasts.

What does High Fives mean to you?

C&J: Knowing that we, along with our friends, family and the greater outdoor adventuring community, can rest a little easier knowing that there will be someone in our corner if our luck turns. Having seen friends go through a life-changing injury, and the swift responsiveness that High Fives provides, it’s easy to share the good word about the organization.

They also teach safety awareness and smart decision making at schools locally in Northern Vermont and across the country, so it’s nice to know that the next gen rippers will be extra-prepared when they fly the coop.


This year…FAT Ski-a-Thon, can you tell readers a little more about it?

C&J: Definitely! There’s something so special about getting together with the skiing community to celebrate skiing and good ol’ nonstop laps with your friends…especially on a cold-ass day in March! It’s awesome to be a part of an event that was so successful and true to spirit in its fundraising!

Check out Skida’s experience with High Fives“most successful fundraiser that the foundation has ever hosted in its history!” HERE


C&J: It’s rad to see organizations around athlete safety in the sports we choose to pursue and recreate continue to grow and do good. We’re stoked! Check out the High Fives Tree Ring Hats and Headbands!

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