High Fives Foundation Welcomes Dream On 3 Teen with Seizure Disorder & his Skiing Dream Comes True in Lake Tahoe!
Dream On 3 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to make dreams come true for children with chronic illnesses, intellectual & developmental disabilities, or life-altering conditions by creating experiences of joy and magic through the world of sports.
Jackson Campolmi is a sweet, kind, 16-year-old student at Myers Park High School who lives with a seizure disorder due to a rare syndrome called dup15q, or chromosome duplication syndrome, a rare syndrome that has impacted his life in many ways – he requires 24/7 care, he is non-verbal, and has severe seizures.
In partnership with the High Fives Foundation, Dream On 3 planned a full weekend for Campolmi, to include skiing lessons on multiple days, plus a personal workout with High Fives board member THAIS MOLLET, facility tour, and lunch at the CR Johnson Healing Center, a training facility that provides resources for athletes who are recovering from life-altering and sports-related injuries.
Jackson has a great support system and his mom and dad do all they can to keep him active and involved in opportunities that bring him joy. Participation in adaptive sports has been life-changing for Jackson and he is particularly in love with the exhilaration that adaptive skiing provides. His sports dream is to bucket ski on a beautiful sunny day with fresh powder.
Campolmi’s passion is snow skiing. Participation in adaptive sports has been life-changing for Jackson and he is particularly in love with the exhilaration that adaptive skiing provides. He loves nature, so being outdoors and flying down a mountain in the snow keeps his heart rate up and his spirits high!