PHAT (Protect your Head at All Times) is a non-profit program that promotes the use of helmets in all sports where head injury is a serious risk. Its work is based on recent medical literature proving helmets work in preventing head injuries – from concussions to Traumatic Brain Injuries – that can have devastating physical, emotional and financial impacts on the injured and their loved ones. In fact, the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 7,700 head injuries could be prevented every year if just skiers and snowboarders wore helmets.
That’s why PHAT believes everyone – parents, coaches, and relevant businesses and organizations responsible for organized sports activities – need to be educated about the benefits of helmets and do the right thing by requiring their use.
PHAT’s strategy is to make wearing a helmet accepted as the norm. Its non-coercive approach involves making sure all public images depict athletes wearing helmets; distributing posters and stickers designed to appeal to young sports participants; using informational booths and drawings for helmets to attract attention to the issue; and to encourage relevant businesses (like ski resorts) to see their employees as role models in the use of helmets.
Using this approach, the PHAT team has helped to increase helmet use among Vermont skiers and snowboarders to well above the national average, and raised the visibility of the issue throughout the U.S.
Learn more and support the movement at: vthelmetsafety.org