Thank You to Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility for Featuring the High Fives Foundation on “The Vermont Conversation with David Goodman” on June 4th!
About Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR): Founded in 1990, VBSR is a non-profit, statewide business trade organization with a mission to advance business ethics that value multiple bottom lines: economic, social, and environmental. VBSR members employ more than 13% of Vermont’s workforce and generate more than 4 billion dollars in revenue annually. We strive to help members set a high standard for protecting the natural, human and economic environments of the state’s residents, while remaining profitable. We advance VBSR’s mission through education, public influence and workplace quality. (
Thank you to David Goodman of VBSR for the interview!
About this episode: Can giving away money help your bottom line? Melody Badgett, managing director of 1% for the Planet, Esbert Cardenas, CEO of Image Outfitters and, and Roy Tuscany, Co-Founder of High Fives Foundation, talk about innovative ways to do charitable giving, and how giving away money is making businesses money. Also, Scott Buckingham of VBSR talks about the new edition of VBSR’s Buy Local Book.
Listen to and share the interview HERE!