The Arcade Belt Program
#highfivesathelete Tommy Michaels‘ overnight backpacking expedition earns him his 3rd Arcade Belt Goal
Goal #3: Go overnight backpacking.
Tommy is a man of many talents. He attended our surf camp in Santa Cruz, is crushing climbing at his local gym, and is now getting after it in the backcountry. Tommy was injured while he was biking, went over the handle bars, and had his C5-C7 fused because of the accident.

Trekked ~8 miles to a secluded swimming spot in the depths of the San Pablo Mountains outside of Santa Barbara. It was epic!Tommy on his backpacking trip
Tommy was toting a 20 lb. pack, and even though it did start to hurt after awhile, he accomplished the walk none the less. In the future, he wants to move over to bikepacking, since the walking does start to hurt after awhile. Being able to cover more ground and having fun on the downhills, all while pain free will be a much better experience going forward. We can’t wait to see what Tommy does!
The Arcade Belt Program

The Arcade Belt Program was put in place to provide our athletes with a system for setting goals. Similar to a karate belt system, athletes move through the ranks when they complete goals they set for themselves and receive a belt with stars corresponding to the goal number they accomplish.