Athlete Belt Goal | Jamie Crane-Mauzy

#highfivesathlete Jamie Crane-Mauzy graduates from Westminster College to cap off her 5th belt goal!

The Arcade Belt Program

Let’s take a look back on Jamie’s belt goal journey:

Goal 1: Drive Independently

Goal 2: Regain full strength through training and PT

Goal 3: Partake in public speaking about TBI

Goal 4: Get a paid motivational speaking gig

Goal 5: Graduate from Westminster College

jamie graduation

Jamie became a high fives athlete after an under-rotated flat spin in the AFP World Championships at Whistler Blackcomb left her with a traumatic brain injury. She laid unconscious as medical staff ran to her side and prepared her to be airlifted to nearby Vancouver General Hospital. With her family and friends by her side the whole time, Jamie made an amazing recovery! She has now crushed all five of her belt goals, starting from driving independently, to motivational public speaking, all the way to graduating from Westminster College this past May!

As a public speaker, I talk about how important it is to set obtainable goals and take steps in the direction you want to go, going to Westminster College in Salt Lake City, starting the following year after my paralyzing coma accident, was one of the most important life-changing decisions I have made.

Jamie Crane-Mauzy

Jamie says that Westminster gave her something to wake up to every morning, giving her small goals every day that allowed her to have a plan, execute it, and feel good about accomplishing it. Even though school was stressful and overwhelming at times, she can’t be thankful enough that she is able to feel these emotions, especially after an accident as serious as hers. Matt Baker, her advisor at Westminster, helped her tie her personal life in with her education goals. This not only smoothed out her personal healing process, but allowed her to achieve great things academically as well.

jamie crane mauzy graduation

The Arcade Belt Program


The Arcade Belt Program was put in place to provide our athletes with a system for setting goals. Similar to a karate belt system, athletes move through the ranks when they complete goals they set for themselves and receive a belt with stars corresponding to the goal number they accomplish.


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