High Five #HighFivesAthlete Adam Lavander for achieving two of his five Arcade Belt Goals!
Adam grew up in South Carolina and then moved to the mountains of Colorado for snowboarding and mountain biking. On February 22 Adam accomplished the inspiring goal of skiing an entire day. Adam’s back in the mountains!
GOAL 1 – Tolerate a full weekly schedule of strength training, push manual chair 500 ft (COMPLETED on 11/25/2016)
GOAL 2 – Gain the strength to ski a full day (COMPLETED on 2/22/2017)

Adam suffered a fall while building and riding the mountain bike slopestyle course at the FMB Tour Ranchstyle event in 2012. The vertical impact caused Adam’s C4 vertebrae to burst leaving him an incomplete quadriplegic from the neck down.

These goals are achieved as a part of the Arcade Goal Belt Program which was established as an initiative that guides athletes through the complex recovery process after a life-altering injury.
The belt program, which is similar to a karate belt system, rewards High Fives athletes with an Arcade belt containing a new gold star for each milestone achieved. This framework is designed to provide clarity, support, competition and inspiration for others as these athletes work to rebuild their lives.